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Graphic design has the power to impact the world; what would you do?

Thomas LytleGeorge Mason University, M.F.A. Thesis

A question that stuck with me through my graduate studies after taking a course in visual theory was, Graphic design has the power to impact the world; what would you do? When I began brainstorming ideas for my thesis and final project, this question kept popping into my mind. I reflected on my own past experiences and decided that if given the chance, I would like to help someone so they wouldn’t have to go through what I did: being bullied. 

Be There is a bullying prevention and awareness campaign that instills martial art principles and philosophies in kids. The goal is that through love, community, composure, empathy, strength, and response and responsibility, each and every kid will decrease the chances of bullying happening. These six tenets are the foundation of this campaign, and the set of philosophies that kids can practice and achieve.

The end goal of this thesis is to help raise more awareness, provide free information, and create a different option for bully prevention by the means of martial arts and strong visual communication.

For further information you can visit and read the thesis.

Here are the 6 tenets of Be There Against Bullying. Content, imagery and design are all original works.

Each unique designed tenet has a strong foundation in the stances that go with them. By practicing these stances, the person reflects on their meaning mentally, but also physically. In order to practice them, a breakdown of how to perform the tenet is shown.

The logo had to represent each tenet because it’s the core essence of this approach. The details of how the logo and icons were developed, can be further read in the thesis. Research and sketches when into the final design, but here is a short glimpse of the process. The name “Be There” was chosen because when you feel like you are in a losing situation of being bullied, all you want is someone to be there for you. Whether that person being there is a friend, family member, school staff, or even yourself to remain positive and ask for help.

As part of the thesis, I had to design an exhibit space to showcase my work to the entire George Mason University campus. Not only did I want to share the information and design work, but I wanted the attendees to experience it. The main center pieces on the floor is to encourage the attendees to try the stances themselves. I applied vinyl footprints to help them with their foot placements, and provided how to perform the stance and the meaning behind the stances. This would allow them to fully experience the embodied work.

Lastly, here is an image of myself and the photographer getting the necessary images for the tenets and design work. I had many volunteers for the photoshoot, and wanted take a moment to thank them for taking their time to be there for me.